Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Jasper Johns (for younger grades)

JASPER JOHNS (1930 - )
Numbers in Color 1958-59
Art Terms: collage, complementary colors
Art Period: Contemporary
Medium: painting and collage 
Materials: liquid watercolors (blue, green, red, yellow); foam brushes, little bowls, newspaper, glue sticks, scissors, watercolor paper

Powerpoint: slideshow here

Meet the Artist: Jasper Johns  is an American pop artist, born 1930, who paints ordinary things (flags, numbers, targets, maps, etc) in ways that make the viewer notice them in new ways. Here's a brief article about Johns.

Discussion: Focusing on the Numbers in Color slide, use the discussion questions - (1) What do you see? (2) What makes you say that? (3) What more can you find?

You may want to bring out these ideas in your discussion: (1) What is the topic of this painting? (Numbers). Why do you think that Johns made a whole painting around numbers? How does the way he makes this make you think about numbers differently? Maybe scrolling through the other pictures in the slideshow can reinforce this idea of Johns using normal objects in ways that makes the viewer notice them in new ways. (2) Johns uses complementary - or opposite - colors (orange/blue; red/green). How do those colors affect each other? (They make each other really pop out).

Activity: This kindergarten lesson is based on an idea found on this blog. Click on the link for specific instructions. 

Student Work:

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